Using Technology As A Tool To Solve Business Challenges
It is hard to make sense of all the options out there when it comes to what technologies will you need to run your business. IntegrateIT Australia do more than just selling hardware, software and support.
We use our 30+ years of technical experience to work with you in providing a solution that not only works, but will do the job that you need it to do.
We assist clients with planning their IT infrastructure within cost, time and user parameters, and can assist clients with:
Site moves
Concept and designs, sensitive to space, cost or user limitations
Implementation of IT infrastructure
Management of relocation teams including third parties
Vendor and budget management
Managing implementation and deployment activities
Regular timeline updates and stage debriefs
IT System Audits And Needs Based Assessments:
Want a third party view of your IT infrastructure within your business? Like authors of books who use proof readers, we come in with a fresh set of eyes and audit the network. We provide Accounting Support and audits services of your infrastructure to detect issues and possible future issues. We will provide a full written report of the audit for you to keep.
Are you compliant? – We audit software licensing of sites including Microsoft licenses, and any other line of business application licensing to ensure you are compliant and not breaking any licensing and EULA agreements.